The Anti- Money Laundering Act, 2013 (AMLA) as amended has Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) as accountable persons and therefore are subject to the requirements under the AML legislation and ...
A non-governmental organization (hereinafter referred to as an "NGO”) is prohibited from operating in Uganda unless it has a valid permit issued by the National Bureau for Non-Governmental ...
Introduction: As you may know by now, Uganda follows the “Torrens System” of land registration. The Torrens system was first introduced in Uganda by the Registration of Titles ...
Co-ownership of land is where two or more persons concurrently own an interest in land. We feel this topic is not talked about enough. People often buy property ...
A critical analysis of the new Anti-Money Laundering Regulations of 2022 and all you need to know about PEPs.On 11th February 2022, Government published new Regulations to amend ...
This week on Tuesday 1st February 2022, there was an earthquake in Uganda. Granted seismic waves did not pass through the ground, but they might as well have. ...
Two weeks ago, Ugandan schools finally reopened their classrooms for learners after two years of closure because of the Covid-19 pandemic. It was a world breaking record that ...
Rarely do people go to the bank to borrow money with clear intentions of never paying back the money. However, issues often arise and the borrowers feel shortchanged ...
The continuing effect of the COVID-19 pandemic is evident in the unending downsizing of human resource and salary-cuts while a number of enterprises continue to close shop altogether. ...
Section 154 (1) of the Penal Code of Uganda states that any man who has sexual intercourse with any married woman not being his wife commits adultery. The ...
If there is someone having sleepless nights these days, it is the Prosecutor in the matter of Nicholas Opiyo Vs Uganda, Criminal Case No. 106 of 2020. You ...